“Put God First”

Rev. M. Zidde Hamatheite

Home Church Address:

1746-60 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY 11207


Preacher Bio:

Reverend Hamatheite was taught at a very young age to reverence God and those in the body of Christ. His early training began with his father, the late Archbishop, Reverend M. Zideoneo Hamatheite. His mother, Rakal Hamatheite continued to nurture his Christian journey after his father was called from labor to reward. Trusting God and believing as her husband, she understood the Lord had work for her son to do. At age 14, while a member of West Baptist Church, he began his tenure in ministry under the leadership of his pastor, Reverend Alvin Barnett. There he spend 11 years being guided by the Holy Spirit and his pastor.

At age 25, he was called to serve as pastor of Gethsemane Baptist Church located in East New York, Brooklyn. His tenure began in 1995 and he remained there until he was called to pastor Wayside Baptist Church in July 2010.

Those who know Reverend Hamatheite can attest that he is family, (natural & spiritual) minded. His strong beliefs in community are evident in his long standing interactions within the communities he serves. His passion for reaching and teaching today’s youth is recognized across the neighborhoods of Brooklyn.

Pastor Hamatheite is a visionary who is determined to move the body of Christ from “conformity to transformation” one Christian at a time. His many efforts and involvements are noted in organizations and affiliations such as: M.O.V.E (Men of Valor Empowered); 73rd Precinct Clergy Liaison; Bridging the Gap Ministries and the Police Explores Program (Kings County).

He served as the youngest Moderator for New York Missionary Baptist Association during 2003-2007. Not to mention he was first and former President of the Young Pastors, Ministers and Evangelists Dept. of the Eastern Baptist Association. In addition, Pastor Hamatheite has earned his Masters in Psychology focusing in Counseling from Fordham University.